Saturday, August 25, 2007

We are moving

Bill's company is moving us to .......

Winslow, Arizona

We are going to be leaving San Bernardino this coming Tuesday (28th) and we expect to get to Winslow that night.

We will update everyone by phone or email once we are there and in place.

Pray for us..

God Bless

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Blogging update

We are getting into some easier links for our blogging.
Now we can e-mail our blog entries from our regular e-mail accounts.
Kinda neat.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Change of e-mail

(in Andy Rooney's voice)

Have you ever noticed how a person gathers e-mail addresses like Amelda Marcos gathers shoes?

(normal voice)

I thought it would be a great idea to link a certain e-mail address to this blog but then I figured out that I have too much going on at that previous address and where I have it going now..... I can set any comments to go directly to a specific folder......

Makes life a little simpler..... don't it?


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Our Grand-daughter Alicia

I have to praise God for our daughter-in-law, Melissa. Look at the child in the picture. This is Alicia and she is praying. This tells me that our daughter is teaching and living Jesus. I don't know what she is praying about but I am thrilled that she is.
What about you? Do you pray?

Monday, October 24, 2005

Babies - by Laura

The world says that after you have a baby and don't want it you can give the baby up in secret and no questions asked.
A mother can kill her children and say she didn't know what she was doing. If she didn't know what she was doing does that make everything alright? I think not!
For the people who have Jesus in heart say that children are a blessing from God and not a curse.
Parents raise their children to follow Jesus and His teachings and not to compare one child to another because all children are unique.
Parents also try to see what talent God has given their daughter or son and they try to bring that talent to the surface.
Children are so sweet and they soak everything up they hear. When they hear about Jesus in Sunday School they may have many questions.
It's been my experience that once a child goes to Sunday School that child will bring parents to church.
When a child is raised in the way of the world, no church, not much self esteem, basically do what you want more than likely that child is headed for trouble.
When a child is raised in a loving Christian home where God is talked about often and not as a swear word, prayer during every meal and at bedtime a child learns how to act. When the child or children are older they will invite Jesus into their heart and lives and not stray far from Jesus.
That child will be well adjusted and not want the things the world has to offer but instead what Jesus offers is lasting and never grows old.

Originally written 22 Oct 05

OK, we are here....

Just checked after logging out of this system if anyone can access it (unlike the Yahoo! 360 blog). YES!!!

Even got a picture of us so you can print it out and throw darts at the guy on the right....